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Carbon Labelling

Making It Simple

There is no getting away from the fact that in the world of carbon emissions, footprints and calculators can be rather complex.

For several years, we have wanted to devise an approach that would allow our travellers to meaningfully understand how to make holiday choices that are better for the planet.

Working with the eCollective, we have developed one of the world’s first carbon labelling schemes for travel. In much the same way as you can see the number of calories on a packet of cereal or bar of chocolate, each and every one of our trips now has a carbon label or score indicating the amount of kilogrammes of carbon attributed to each traveller.

How on earth have we managed to work this out and what do the numbers actually mean? Those are both great questions which we hope we can explain below.

What Do The Numbers Actually Mean?

How much is 100kg of carbon and is this a good or bad figure? When we started out on this project, we were as in the dark as you may be now. Rather than providing a colour coding scheme or similar to suggest one of our holidays is better for the planet than the other, we’ve chosen to approach this differently.

Below you can see how the average carbon emissions per traveller on a Wilderness Trip of 7 days/ 6 nights look compared to other types of holiday and a selection of activities that are part of our daily lives. It is also helpful to know that the current global average per day is 14kg of CO2 (India = 5kg, UK = 15kg, US & Canada = 38kg and Australia = 42kg). Scientists consider that an average of 10kg of CO2 is what is truly sustainable in the long-term.

*These numbers are based on average trip capacity and standard itineraries and do not include flights.


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